sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

rat-a-tat-tats and sustainability.

so, med-checks went well. i haven’t seen my poop results yet (we all had to poop in a cup - fun stuff), but as far as everything else goes - i’m healthy!

i got myself a new little tattie-tat. we ALL decided to go a little loco for cuerpo de paz in my tattoo shop (if you’re ever in Lima - Zhimpa Tattoo Shop: www.zhimpatattoos.com). we all felt that our blood, sweat, and tears over the past year here in Peru earned us the right to document this rare time in our lives by getting some peace corps art on our bodies…

the official peace corps logo has an american flag on it - but instead of the stars on the flag, it has 3 symbols… a star that emerges into a dove. so, flowing up from the wind of my tree tattoo on my back, i got the star that emerges into the dove flowing up towards my right shoulder. and in respect to Peru, i used the peruvian flag colors (red, white, red). so - everything outlined in black - the star is filled in red - the thingy emerging into the dove is only outlined, filled with my skin color (white) - and the dove is filled in red. red - white - red! and it’s beautifully perfect. and to add symmetry to my back as a whole, i had my previously pink shooting star at the bottom of my tree roots filled in red, too. and i’m thrilled with the finished product!

getting my tattoo:

my rat-a-tat-tat:

casandra got a beautiful, colorful tree (i’m a sucker for trees) - with some symbols of peru and the peace corps drawn into the leaves and branches.

getting her tattoo:

mama cas and her new tat:

tim came with us and brought some ideas to my little tattoo guy, who drew it up - and it’s pretty freaking awesome. it’s the beautiful embroidery of the artisans of Arequipa (where his site is). he made his appointment for next month. he’s still debating on where to put the art on his body. (it’s gonna be his very first tattoo!!!)

andrew messed up and got a tattoo covering his shoulder at another tattoo shop in the begging of the week - he bled like the dickens! (andrew said, “yeah, i guess you can say that guy had a heavy hand.”)

andrew’s first Peru tat:
(yeah, i said “first” - he got another...)

but then, he came to my shop and got an awesome, continuous tattoo. it’s the outline of Peru on his left side of his body, and the tattoo artist drew tiny little pictures representing everywhere he’s been (so far) during his service - and after every trip he takes, he’s going to get a new little addition.

andrew getting his new, awesome tat:

as a few of us waited for others to finished, we felt like kids in a candy shop… royce got his lip pierced.

royce - during and after:

and i got my nose re-pierced. (no worries - it’s so teeny that i have to point it out to people, because they don’t notice it.)

us with the Zhimpa Tattoo Shop crew:

it was weird not having omar there with all of us. so weird.

so, now i’m back in good ole Catache. i was feeling a little depressed at first - thinking about the fact that i only have less than a year to make a SUSTAINABLE difference, and with such little to work with here in my town. but after a pep-talk from kaysi, it got my wheels turning!

i just finished a detailed and solid work plan - including all of my projects i want to start, time lines, next steps, what kind of support i need from the community, anticipated results, etc etc… i had my host sister-in-law proof read my spanish, and then i marched down to the municipalidad to see if i could set up a time to meet with the mayor. so, this wednesday i have an appointment to meet with my mayor and present my plan. and while i was at it, i went by the directora of the colegio’s house, and we set up a time to discuss my second year project plan, too! we meet this monday!

the thing that i’m lacking here in Catache is support. i have projects - but i’m doing them all by myself - community partners come and go (for all sorts of reasons - they move, they change professions, they have no time, etc) - - so this brings me to my major concern of there being no sustainability after my service is up. i can just hear my town now… “yeah, there was a gringa here a few years ago… she ran a lot. and she taught english. and i think that was it.”

so, i figure: get the support of the mayor, show him i’m organized with my fabulous ideas for the community, stress the importance of sustainability, and maybe i can finally get things going. one of the popular sayings among the peace corps (and there are MANY popular sayings) is, “when most volunteers feel like they are finally getting things going in their town is when their two years are up.” i totally get it… feeling the fire under my butt to make a darn difference! with less than a year to go…

on another note - and completely off subject - freaking michael jackson AND andrew went on vacation to the US after med-checks - - my 3 amigos, who i usually speak to daily (i’m including omar here), are ALL in the US!!! this makes things that much more tough. and the very first thing i am going to tell michael jackson and andrew when they come back - is to NEVER leave the country at the same time again!

2 comentarios:

  1. Wowowow! Ashley, you're doing so much over there! I'm so speechless. I'm also super happy for you, getting out there, to a completely different world, and trying with every fiber of your being, to make a difference... I have no doubt in my mind, that you are.

    Your tattoo is beautiful and I love the meaning behind everything.

    Miss you!! maybe one day, you can join your friends and come out to the USA and maybe to our little Valley, and see me.


  2. hey sale ahi un tatuaje echo por mi .... que alegria........ saludos espero verlos pronto les dejo mi pagina de facebook..........https://www.facebook.com/oz.ramoz
