despite the fact that for the past 6 months, ive been running almost every single day - despite the fact that ive created separate running groups for colegio students, older women, and even young children - despite the fact that for the past month, ive been running over 10k, preparing myself to participate in my very first marathon - - despite all of this… i cannot attend the darn 4th Annual Maratón Internacional de Pacasmayo. sorry, Nip-Lip.
i am so completely and utterly bummed-out, words cannot describe. i was planning to register for the ½ marathon: 21k.
and on top of all of this, i cannot even take advantage of the free vacation days for the fourth of july. ugh…!
why, you ask..? well, it’s because i cant afford to miss any more days of my SESP course. last week - no classes - because of the elections… this week - no classes - because its the anniversary of the colegio… so, taking time off for my much anticipated marathon would only put me that much further behind… AHHHHH!
work does come first, after-all. and i guess there’s always next year - maybe i’ll have increased my stamina by then to run the full 42k…? and there’s always the marathon in Lima i can do later on…
oh well.
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