finally, this week, i was to start my community bank. my socia and i recruited our brains out - all over Catache - armed with foletos and a signup sheet. after a mound of solitudes to the municipalidad and colegio, and countless days of tweaking our presentation, we were more than prepared. and today was the big day - our PAC information meeting!
the meeting was to be held on the 3rd floor of the municipalidad from 3-5pm. we got there at around 2:15pm to get things situated. we set up the chairs - hung up some papalotes - hooked up the computer, projector, microphone, and speakers - and then, we waited…
“la hora peruana” is basically: not punctual. it’s a well known fact that even the peruvians joke around about. so we waited patiently… and waited and waited. 3:45pm rolls around, and my lovely artesana from El Monte arrived. (i knew i could count on her!) 4:15pm - and finally some other people show. a total of 6 people came to our charla, which was basically just sitting around in a circle and informally chit-chatting about community banks. it was great, because they were able to ask us every question under the sun.
after 5:30pm or so, they came to the conclusion that they really liked the idea and wanted to have some time to get their friends on board, too. so we decided to reschedule and have our meeting next week.
alas, this means: solicitudes all over again… and definitely some more recruiting - but, at least the ball is FINALLY rolling!
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